Buy HYT FLOW Blue Fluid H02464 Replica watch

HYT is a unique independent watchmaker. With the creation of an unconventional dialogue between art and science, the brand has always innovated in an agile and fast way…From the very beginning, the core idea of ​​showing fluid time is the display. A few years ago, HYT proposed one of its most unexpected concepts, the battery-less LED lighting version of the H4. Now, the concept is back in a new and more refined version. Meet the HYT Flow.

HYT makes time flow. With Flow, you can see it on demand, day and night. The new watch uses an asymmetric 51 mm stainless steel case and is equipped with two crowns. The 2 o’clock position is your standard crown for setting the time and winding mechanical movement. The 4 o’clock crown is used to illuminate the replica watches swiss. The micro generator is triggered by a pusher, storing and eliminating energy to activate the LED. This “backlight” activator works without batteries because it converts the mechanical energy stored in the barrel into electrical energy.

It is very practical and even fun to play. However, in addition to this main practical function, light is an important part of aesthetics and watch concepts. Under the impressive sapphire crystal mirror, liquids and electric lights complement the scene. The three-dimensional metal dial decoration mimics the light waves emitted by the lower crown, while exposing some of the mechanical devices below. The Superluminova ring under the capillary further inspires the passage of time as it flows.

The new HYT Flow has two variants. The first stage combines lighting art and jewelry. First, a dome made of 73 rectangular diamonds is made, which produces amazing reflection and refraction effects when illuminated. The second one is equipped with a conical shape, which can form a never-ending vortex until the mechanical movement.

Like all models of the brand, HYT Flow’s flow hour indicator also stands out. The capillary contains two immiscible immiscible liquids, one is colored (indicating the elapsed time), the other is translucent. Their meeting point is a meniscus shape, which means “now”. When the colored liquid reaches 6 o’clock, it will retrograde back to its original position. In addition to the smooth display of driving hours, its mechanical movement more traditionally indicates minutes and power reserve. It can be seen through the bottom cover of the exhibition that it runs at 4hz and can store 65 hours of electricity.

HYT Flow is presented on a colorful rubber strap with a titanium alloy folding clasp. replica watches luxury