HYT Skull Bad Boy Watch

Of course, the cheap replica watches looks like its name. tough. dark. mysterious. Bad. Broken to the bone. The skull image itself has fully demonstrated the image of its bad boy, but the opaque black appearance, including the dark black liquid display, took 12 months to develop. Like the other four colors developed by HYT, black has its own chemical properties. Attributes such as viscosity, expansion coefficient, and UV resistance are unique to themselves and need to be taken care of when using it to indicate the passage of time in precision instruments.

The black liquid presents another problem. Other colors reflect all or part of the light they receive. Black does not reflect anything. The inevitable result is that legibility in the dark becomes the background. In fact, it is impossible to read.

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The skull itself is made with new technology, making steel and carbon fiber look like old Damascus steel.watch luxury

Solution to make the work visible at night. But if we want to play with the inherent darkness of the bad boy Skull, we must go on. Night is part of the dark and dark world. Fully in line with the spirit of the skull. “

In addition to the new black liquid, the appearance of the dial is also very interesting. Use Damascus steel. This steel is commonly used for knives and swords. This steel is characterized by a unique pattern of bands and spots, reminiscent of running water. Such steel is said to be tough, crack-resistant and can be ground into sharp, elastic edges.

Although the skull is not made of Damascus steel, the actual production process of Damascus steel still exists despite modern reproductions. For the skull, HYT went to the foundry in Neuchatel to manufacture the original materials: multiple layers of steel and carbon, repeatedly folded together. A total of 256 times. And cast 5 skulls in batches. Bands and spots are visible on the skull. Due to the differences between each other, each watch is unique to some extent. We think its appearance must be appropriate.

The steel skull of Damascus sits on a board with two half-moon-shaped satellites decorated with the pattern of Clous de Paris. The index is in Gothic font. The design is cohesive and strongly suggests the image of a bad boy.

Earlier, we released the news of the new HYT Skull pocket watch at advanced time, which will be officially unveiled at the SIHH 2017 exhibition next week. You can read all the information about watches and the challenges of making watches here. But now, we bring you a fast glowing skull chronograph pocket watch.

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